Look at that thing. That stupid thing. Mocking me.
You have a charming way with words. You should write a book!
I don't know whether to laugh or scream. Laugh? I guess? I mean, I know I shouldn't take it seriously. Right? I shouldn't. I mean, I've been stalking this idea of being a novelist for oh, twenty-five years, and I shouldn't take a fortune cookie seriously.
And yet.
Maybe it's not mocking me. Maybe I'm supposed to take it seriously.
Perhaps I do have a charming way with words!
You can't see me right now, but I'm rolling my eyes just so hard. The book's coming along, though.
A version of this post was first published on 06/23/2017.
Coming Up…
I hope you're enjoying the Musings of a Middle-Aged College Student series. Next Friday I'll be recapping HIS-200: Applied History and ENG-226: Intro to Creative Writing. I found one to be a blast and the other to be soul-crushing. The fortune cookie probably spoils the surprise.
2 Responses
Accountability matters. Now I need to start my personal blog again. We could be blogging buddies. We can link to each other comment back and forth and report it as engagement. Then charge fees. Wait, nevermind. I’m glad you are back. As a fan, I’ll nag you to keep writing.
Nag, nag, nag. That’s all I ever get from you.
Yeah, do it. Start your personal blog again. It’ll be fun—and profitable. I like this idea about charging fees. We should explore that.