29 May 2020
One class was fantastic, the other was... well, I'm just glad it's over. I'm a Creative Writing major, so you can probably guess which is which.
28 May 2020
I don't lack for things to do, yet I have no desire to do any of them.
22 May 2020
I don't know whether to laugh or scream. Laugh? I guess? I mean, I know I shouldn't take it seriously. Right? I shouldn't. I mean, I've been stalking this idea of being a novelist for oh, twenty-five years, and I shouldn't take a fortune cookie seriously. And yet.
15 May 2020
Full-time enrollment at SNHU requires two courses per term, and after my initial term, I decided I'd be able to handle a pair at a time. With a major in English & Creative Writing, this literature class would be the first of many, and I was excited. Humanities, I wasn't too sure about.
8 May 2020
Plagiarism is a big deal; the tools to fight it may be imperfect, but with a bit of effort and the right attitude, students can work with them.
4 May 2020
Today marks the start of a new 8-week term at SNHU, and this is one of the ways I prepared over the past week.
3 May 2020
Are you getting tired of artificially flavored popsicles and ice cream sandwiches? How about a cool, refreshing, artificially-flavored pickle instead?
1 May 2020
ENG-123, English Composition II, is the first class I took as a newly minted middle-aged college student. I had no idea what to expect, I’d had very little training on Brightspace, and I jumped in headfirst.
28 April 2020
Once I finished enrollment and was officially a middle-aged college student, I had to learn how to attend school online.